Forever Young

Update after 7 month tak post any entries hihihi
Monday 8 June 2015 . 0 word(s) .
Assalammualaikum and  hi guys . 

Hahahaha so kindda miss this blog act . Banyak sangat benda nak share actually since dah lama tk post and takde orang pun baca :p Haih tottaly sekarang ni memang takde masa langsung nak upgrade blog ugh . And laptop pun always problem semenjak dua menjak ni mmg so many thuings happen lah this year . Kadang tu mmg rasa nak putus asa dari hidup ni hahaha even baru sekejap hidup dalam dunia ni bruh tapi mcm2 dah lalui . Apa yg tk pernah jangka dulu terjadi pun jadi hm . And about the MPC at the last entry ahahahahaha ok kitaorg still try to make the video and upload . but like i say . the editing and recording the videos mmg beta yg buat and my laptop still in process to repare . And nanti kena download balik software nk edit pe semua tu . same goes to my camera aiyo taktau kenapa . Tk boleh record vids lelama and MPC also busy with their things . Lagi lagi semua busy exam lah nak study lah eyyy geram hahaha just wait for our youtube channel to show up okay :*  maybe lama sikit lah hehehe sbb skills mengedit tu masih lagi dipelajari em. Keep supporting me ok guys ! ;))

Thanks for reading :)

The Great Moments with MPC .
Wednesday 22 October 2014 . 0 word(s) .
Assalammualaikum ,

Woah , it been such a long time not to update this blog since i was busy with life hahaha . So today i came up with a new story about MPC stand for Meja Production Crew .Act , this group was created just for fun since we had to do a perfomance for SMKPU1 Prefects Gathering . But , we take it srsly after one of our crew suggest to do it after we did some videos for the event .

so , that is our logo maybe hahaha . i thought so :p

Penat speaking bakhang hahaha . so, Meja Production is just a name for our team . Memang nama "Meja" but kitaorg bukan produce meja okay . We do some videos and photography tht can entertaint peple . It just a beggining for us . And maybe the quality of the video was not good if kita bandingkan dgn vids yang ada dalam youtube right ? hahaha . We will try our best to make it better . Just keep supporting us ;) Our youtube channel will be created once the video is ready . Wait for it guys ! I'll give the link in another post okay . 

Meja Production Crew. Dari kiri , Izzati , Adriana(me) , Huda , Tiara , Farahin , Aida , Sharifah , Bella , Aina and Alif Najmi ( who was not in the picture haha lmao ) so diaorg ni yang bertanggungjawab membangunkan Meja Production House . Yeahhhh , hahaha . From acting , editing and promoting our vids , we do it together . Apa orang panggil tu , susah senang kami bersama eceh haha . We admit memang banyak problem time buat vids ni en? banyak gaduh and perselisihan faham bila buat vids ke edit ke memang ada . But we fix it as soon as possible sbb taknak benda  ni melarat en ? kan mpc kan ? hahahaha MPC  must be laughing and smile like an idiot when they read ths entries ;p and most annoying problem is battery camera habis peh mmg spoil bakhang hahaha . Dgn masa mencemburui sedih sikit lah haha .But we did it . With the best result , mcm for the prefect event last min problem timbul en .Video broke lah apalah , mmg gelabah habis mpc sbb lagi 10 mins nak kena show dkt audience . Dah fix and mmg tawakal je time tu , dah usaha bagai en . So sampai masa dia nak tayang tu guess what ? berjalan seperti yang dirancang and all the audience laugh so hard sbb vids tu memang berkait rapat dgn diaorg haha . Miracle is another words for effort , remember that guys :) i dont know cane nak gambarkan bila dapat buat orang gelak and perasaan bila diaorg hargai videeo yg kitaorg, srsly tk tahu .Bercampur baur , terharu , happy , excited , malu pun adalah sikit hek . But , srs guys . You'll feel the happiness tht you give to people and make you even happier than them . So thats all i can share with you in this entries . And btw hahaha actually this blog had many entries in it . Tapi kena delete sbb aku rasa annoying gila nak mampus hahaha so mmg DUSHHH asap aku delete xD  . Support Meja Production House guys !! Our youtube channel will be coming soon . Wait for it ! 

Callo .

Thanks for reading :)

Forever Young-One Direction